Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Repower America - Independence Day

It seems like things have been so busy lately, running the business, networking and rallying the solar tribe to go into action, that I have not had time to write the next blog. I want to pass along the letter I received today from Al Gore:

Dear Roy,

This Independence Day, we have a lot to celebrate -- including a major victory for our planet.

The historic vote on the American Clean Energy and Security Act in the House of Representatives last Friday moves this bill to the Senate. Now, we must continue to build momentum and work for its passage.

Just as our founders struggled to achieve our nation's independence, we must encourage our leaders to stand up to the entrenched special interests in another struggle of great historical importance -- the fight for our energy independence.

Tell Senate leaders Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell that you support bold action on clean energy legislation. This July 4th, declare your energy independence and demand that they work to do the same in the Senate.

Declare your energy independence to Senators Reid and McConnell.

Today, our nation lives under the oppressive thumb of foreign oil, dirty energy and a climate crisis that could change life as we know it.

We are held hostage to volatile gas prices, as Americans send hundreds of billions of dollars overseas each year. This dependence on foreign oil leaves our nation vulnerable to unstable and hostile regimes, burdening our military and their families.

And our reliance on dirty energy continues to cost us -- average annual household energy spending increased approximately $1,000 between 2001 and 2007.

It doesn't have to be this way, and clean energy is the path we need. Add your voice and declare your energy independence now:


Repowering America with clean energy can revitalize our economy by creating millions of clean energy jobs, stabilizing energy costs, strengthening our national security and addressing the climate crisis.

Show our Senate leaders that we mean business: stand together with us and demonstrate your support for change.

Our founders fought to live in a free nation -- and they succeeded. The clean, prosperous and energy independent America we seek now and for future generations is closer than ever, but this legislation must succeed in the Senate.

That's why I'm asking you to declare your energy independence to Senators Reid and McConnell today:


Thanks for all you do,

Al Gore

As soon as I post this, I'm going to follow the links to declare my energy independence. What are you waiting for? Join me by taking action at RepowerAmerica.org

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