Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Neil Armstrong & the Moon-We're Missing the Point

Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of one of the most inspiring collective human achievements in history. It's etched in our memories or, if we weren't born yet, we all know the famous words behind this achievement: "Tranquility Base. The Eagle has landed," and "That's one small step for man...one giant leap for mankind." More importantly, less than 10 years earlier, a President incredibly challenged our nation "to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade." At the time he uttered those words, there were so many reasons that it couldn't be done. It was impossible, but yet he made the declaration, not because it would be easy, but because it was a challenge.

And on the 40th anniversary of the accomplishment of this impossible feat, the Apollo 11 astronauts were paraded in front of the press. They were guests at the Oval Office, where President Obama praised NASA, fortunately, without getting into specifics about future plans, while at Cape Canaveral these astronauts and their colleagues complained that there should be more support and commitment to go to Mars.

Eugene Cernan, the last astronaut on the moon in 1972, told a news conference at NASA headquarters that the nation could "recapture the kind of spirit" that infused the risk-taking, cutting-edge Apollo program. "We had to accept challenges, we had to be bold, we had to take risks, we had to make sacrifices," Cernan said.

The world's priorities today are very different from what they were in the '60's, but the spirit and example set by NASA and the 30 or so astronauts like Cernan is exactly what the solar tribe should embrace today. There have been numerous blogs comparing the challenge of putting a man on the moon in the '60's to that of bringing our climate under control today. There have also been members of the solar tribe taking action to bring this analogy into the publics conscience. In the blog entry below this one, I have posted a letter from RePower America which plays to the same line of thinking.

The point is: we've done this before. Then it was "man on the moon in 10 years." Today it's "Reduce CO2 dramatically in 10 years." This may not be a universally popular idea at the moment. It may not even seem possible to some. But neither was "putting a man on the moon by the end of the decade" in 1961. And for those of us who remember living through that decade, it wasn't like everybody was a part of the daily effort. There was political will and out of that came lots of jobs and technological breakthroughs that not only made it possible for Armstrong to step onto to the lunar surface that summer of '69, but also changed the way a generation lived, improving the quality of life.

Together, we stand with a passion toward something even more important than "man on the moon." Are we just going to read about it and think about and take no action? What are we waiting for? What have we got to lose? Let's celebrate the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11 by committing to ourselves and each other to renew the same political will that made that history possible. Political will is a renewable resource and it's up to each one of us to bring it forth.

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Repower America - Historic Anniversary

Yesterday was July 20, the 40th anniversary of man's historic walk on the moon. It was a day to contemplate the great things that can be accomplished when a nation makes a bold commitment. Yesterday, I also received the following letter:

Dear Roy,
Forty years ago today, America put a man on the moon. A giant leap for mankind, those first steps captivated the attention of 600 million people around the world, proving that with dedication and inspiration, America can achieve great things. Today, we need your help to move our country forward again. America must decide whether 2009 will be a year for change, or a year for more of the same. As our economy struggles, as we wage a multi-front war in unstable oil-rich regions of the world and as our planet suffers, the choice is clear. We need less pollution. We need more jobs. We need to do right by America. Will you help us set a new course for our country?
Visit our action center and learn how you can help Repower America.
Just one year ago, Al Gore challenged us to make a new start - to Repower America with a plan that calls for investment in renewable energy resources that will create jobs, end our dependence on foreign oil and preserve our planet for our children. It is a bold plan, and it will take great determination to achieve it. But with new leadership in Washington, we are closer than ever. Now is the time to make our voices heard.Will you share our message and help build the movement to Repower America?
Take action today.
Like the space race, the rest of the world is watching to see what we will do. In just 139 days, the global community is meeting in Copenhagen to determine global solutions to the climate crisis. The United States needs to be part of that discussion. More than that, we need to lead it. America is about innovation and ingenuity. Courage and leadership. About knowing when to make tough choices about what's right for our country and what's wrong.Today we are at a moment of decision. Ten years from now - even one year from now - it will be too late to wish we had taken action sooner. With so many big problems that need to be solved, we need to move our country forward now. And it's going to take you, and everyone you know, to get this done.America can rise and meet this challenge together. We put a man on the moon.
Maggie L. Fox
President & CEO

We're the solar tribe, what are we going to do? What are YOU going to do?

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Duke Energy Model: It Makes Too Much Sense

We just got back from an RFP Conference with Southern California Edison, followed by the InterSolar trade show. Aside from keeping us busy, the two events were thought-provoking.

At the SCE RFP Conference, I learned a lot about the limitations that current transmission capacity has on expanding solar and wind power. SCE intends to purchase 250MW of renewable energy from private sources under PPA arrangements. one of the major criteria in awarding contracts will be interconnectivity. Much of their power grid is pretty close to being maximized. At the Intersolar show, we saw many, many German, Spain and China companies who are highly motivated to break into the U.S. solar market. One exhibitor had taped a handwritten sign that said "Solar Panels $1.50/Wp." Although the name of the exhibitor did not sound like that of a solar company, it was an example of how competitive things are getting for the "have nots" in the industry.

All of this got me to thinking about the pilot rooftop program that Duke Energy announced several weeks ago, where they plan to rent rooftops of their customers and install PV solar modules, thereby creating a distributive solar energy capability. There are other utilities around the country who have announced similar programs. It makes a lot of sense. And while they're at it, why not take advantage of potential new entrants into the U.S. market, thereby keeping the cost down?

There are very good companies, such as CEEG and Best Solar, offering top quality solar panels, offering insured warranties, who would make compelling bids to get their panels on the Duke Energy or other utility rooftops. And there are companies like WholeSolar, who could facilitate these types of deals and help to select qualified installers at the best prices to do the installations.

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It makes too much sense. This will clearly be one of the paths to solar energy ubiquity.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

National Net Metering: Another Goal for the Tribe

In an earlier blog post, I shared about California AB560 a net metering bill being considered by the California state senate. The bill moved through the California Senate Energy Committee 9-1 yesterday, but still has a couple of critical votes to clear. This is an important bill for at least three reasons that I can think of. First, its passage will further open up the solar residential and commercial market. Second, its passage is essential in order for another bill, AB920 (a bill that is about creating fairness within California’s solar market and about spurring ever greater consumer interest in investing in solar power bringing with it important environmental and economic benefits to the state) to pass, bringing a little more logic and sanity to solar energy policy. Finally, I believe that the nation looks to California as a leader in energy and climate control legislation.

A national net metering policy would make a lot of sense. It sets up the classic debate about Federal government versus state's rights, but the quality of the environment is clearly a national, if not global issue that begs for a national net metering policy. In addition, any energy policy that moves us away from fossil fuel energy is really a national security issue. There are many issues, where I argue passionately for state's and local community rights and against big government, but this is not one of them.

The net metering issue is really quite simple: just think of being able to turn your electricity meter backwards when your solar panels generate power. Why should anyone be afraid of this? Clean energy channeled into the grid, thereby reducing the demand for energy that comes from other sources. We're worried that we'll convert to solar too fast? Now wouldn't that be a nice problem to have?

A national net metering policy would perhaps have the effect of further accelerating the development of a national (intra-national) and international smart grid. Admittedly, this will take time, but in theory a global smart grid will solve one of the largest problems facing the industry: wasted energy...energy generated but not used. Until we develop advanced energy storage technologies or a global smart grid, this will remain a large cost item to the utility industry.

Clearly there are many issues facing us as we all work to make solar power mainstream. National net metering is one of the vital issues. It is important that we keep talking and blogging about it. Let's join together and keep the drums pounding.

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