Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Repower America - Historic Anniversary

Yesterday was July 20, the 40th anniversary of man's historic walk on the moon. It was a day to contemplate the great things that can be accomplished when a nation makes a bold commitment. Yesterday, I also received the following letter:

Dear Roy,
Forty years ago today, America put a man on the moon. A giant leap for mankind, those first steps captivated the attention of 600 million people around the world, proving that with dedication and inspiration, America can achieve great things. Today, we need your help to move our country forward again. America must decide whether 2009 will be a year for change, or a year for more of the same. As our economy struggles, as we wage a multi-front war in unstable oil-rich regions of the world and as our planet suffers, the choice is clear. We need less pollution. We need more jobs. We need to do right by America. Will you help us set a new course for our country?
Visit our action center and learn how you can help Repower America.
Just one year ago, Al Gore challenged us to make a new start - to Repower America with a plan that calls for investment in renewable energy resources that will create jobs, end our dependence on foreign oil and preserve our planet for our children. It is a bold plan, and it will take great determination to achieve it. But with new leadership in Washington, we are closer than ever. Now is the time to make our voices heard.Will you share our message and help build the movement to Repower America?
Take action today.
Like the space race, the rest of the world is watching to see what we will do. In just 139 days, the global community is meeting in Copenhagen to determine global solutions to the climate crisis. The United States needs to be part of that discussion. More than that, we need to lead it. America is about innovation and ingenuity. Courage and leadership. About knowing when to make tough choices about what's right for our country and what's wrong.Today we are at a moment of decision. Ten years from now - even one year from now - it will be too late to wish we had taken action sooner. With so many big problems that need to be solved, we need to move our country forward now. And it's going to take you, and everyone you know, to get this done.America can rise and meet this challenge together. We put a man on the moon.
Maggie L. Fox
President & CEO

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